Positivity Movements

Iona McNeil
5 min readMar 13, 2023


Body Positivity, Sex Positivity & Positive Psychology

I am naturally a positive person. Always seeing the silver lining, looking back on my past with rose tinted glasses, creating funny stories about mishaps, with optimism leading the way into the future. Even if something bad happens, or I start to tune into all the many problems and issues of the world around me, then I will want to reframe it in a way that is positive, change the perspective so that it is all meant-to-be for some reason, focus on the lesson or challenge that is in it.

They say that brains have a negativity bias, remembering negative experiences more and fixating on threat more for our survival, but honestly I think my brain is wired differently. I let things go more easily and always go back to a default state of peace. Even if things aren’t going quite well in my own life, I will find the funny side or bounce back quickly. I admit that I avoid too much negativity by not getting sucked into the constant barrage of news stories designed for scaremongering, and not getting caught up in other people’s dramas, so as to surround myself with as much positivity as possible. But we’ll get to negativity at the end of the blog.

Upon meeting a new person, I assume they are amazing and wonderful in their own way (until proven wrong).

Every event I go to is going to be the best-thing-ever (can’t wait!), until it actually isn’t that great but, whatever, let’s make the most of it.

I reflect on the past and think of all the wonderful memories I have collected, which include ridiculous scenarios where things didn’t go as planned, or hard times where I have experienced important growth.

What I must have learnt to do is to be able to witness negative thoughts in my head and learn to sift them out, give them a bit of attention to see what message they may have, and then transform, reframe or crush them. It is like weeding the garden. Got to keep on top of it. And focus on the good thoughts, they help you be the best version of yourself and interact with life with zest.

The world needs more positivity! We need to be more positive about everything.


Our soul came to Earth and occupied our chosen body, we woke up our consciousness within this physical form. This meat suit was our chosen home for the duration of our life. This is really all we got!

Our bodies are incredible. It is the most advanced piece of machinery, with lungs to breathe, a heart to pump blood around, a waste disposal system, a heating & cooling system, we transform food into energy & movement (how cool!), and it has epic functionality to do infinite things. Think what we are able to do with just our hands, no robot hand compares.

And yet some of us hate our bodies. Hate the thing we occupy! It is so sad. We look at it and criticise it. Too thin, too fat, not in proportion, don’t like this bit, don’t like the tone, this needs lifting up, that needs hiding never to be seen by others. We remove our body hair, restrict our diet, and tamper with it to bring it to a state we believe to be more acceptable.

Hatred of our own vessel brings a lot of misery to some people.

Or we judge people’s bodies for not being a certain way. You can see it on the cover of magazines, with people poking fun at supposed imperfections of celebrities.

Everybody’s body is beautiful and perfect, at any age! Of course we need to look after it (it is your home until you die), but don’t try to wish it into morphing into something that is never going to be achieved.

So I love the body positivity movement. Let’s fight back from advertising telling us we aren’t good enough, society telling us we don’t fit into a particular mould of body form, and start loving and accepting our bodies exactly as they are! I love the different shapes and sizes of everyone, the diversity of human bodies. I am cheerleading for everyone to love their own bodies, appreciate every single part of them. Stepping out into the world confidently.

It is crazy we even have to have a movement for ‘Body Positivity’. We should all be jumping up and down with glee we got to inhabit this incredible meat suit, loving the skin we are in, and celebrating how it is unique to everyone else’s. And we get to dance in it!


When I stumbled across this expression, it triggered me, as I thought it was a way to promote promiscuity which I previously associated with being ‘bad’ in some way.

Then I realised I had all this conditioning around sex which needed a whole load of unpacking. What was allowed, what wasn’t, how it was supposed to be done, what others should / should not partake in — where were all these weird attitudes and judgements coming from?!

Sex is the most natural thing! It is needed for the ongoing human population to continue — it is kinda important. It is the most powerful, intense, pleasurable and divine experiences you can have with another human. Yet we have warped ideas about it, with cultural norms repressing it, judging it, afraid of it.

So I champion the sex positive movement! Reminding us that sex is healthy and natural, giving us permission to express ourselves fully. And educating us about consent and safety, and celebrating the diversity of our sexuality!


I love soaking in wisdom from a motivational speaker, enjoying the feeling of being boosted and invigorated from their insights. I treat myself to inspiring Ted Talks on YouTube. An uplifting philosophical quote can completely transform my perspective on some difficult issue going on, and help me persevere on my life journey with renewed gusto.

This positivity can spread to other people in your life, improving relationships and people’s well-being. I know when I approach problems with a positive mindset, I can work through them better. When I am positive, I am happier, and feel more resilient in my life.

It is fuel to help you reach your future goals. It gives you comfort over any painful memories in the past. It helps you conquer fear and live the life of your dreams. It gives you hope that we can all change for the better and live in a more beautiful world.

I am positive about spreading the positivity!


I have had to examine my relationship to negativity. Why does it frustrate me when other people are being negative? Is it because I am not allowing some negativity in me?

I realise that sometimes it is good to negative. You don’t want to be gullible and have people take advantage of you. A little bit of cynicism is sometimes a good thing, to protect yourself from harm. A touch of pessimism is healthy when you need to be realistic, weigh up risks and prepare yourself for tough times.

So you see… I am even POSITIVE about NEGATIVITY!

Photo by Anthony Garand on Unsplash



Iona McNeil
Iona McNeil

Written by Iona McNeil

Curious explorer of life. Lover of dance, festivals, quirky stuff, spirituality, and seeking out all the joy. Diaries are for introverts.

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