It’s a mad world out there – 10 crazy things
When I was a teenager living in Manchester I’d announce “I’m so MAD, me!” and it’s a stereotypical Mancunian phrase to say “I’m mad fer it”, coined by Oasis.
I’ve been called loopy, bonkers and eccentric and am drawn to the weird and the wonderful. I love absurdity in art or performance, it amuses me and tickles my view of the world.
Although the thing is, maybe I’m not the mad one here, maybe the world around me is barking mad. Am driving myself crazy questioning if everyone else is crazy or if I am indeed the one who is crazy, 🤪😂
We live in a topsy turvy world. What is normal, mainstream and accepted doesn’t seem right, however what is ‘alternative’ makes more sense for planet and people. Alternative energy, alternative health food shops, alternative holistic medicine, alternative festivals, and even alternative films & music are more authentic.
10 things that don’t make sense and are CRAZY to me:
- Why don’t humans prioritise FUN more? It’s the best feeling to be happy, necessary for our well-being, bonds us, helps us learn better and makes life worth living. We’ve been given a ticket to the greatest show on earth that is OUR LIFE, but we choose to put pressure on ourselves, make life serious and turn it into one big drag. People worship money and burn themselves out, choosing to live a life of stress and worry rather than happiness. They spend their lives chasing something, often in the far off future, for status and ‘achievement’. Why not achieve enjoyment and be anchored in the present moment?
- Who the hell invented disposable packaging from materials that don’t decompose? Worst invention ever!! I can’t bare to think of all those land fill sites filled with crap 😫.
- Why is the focus of towns the shopping centre? When did shopping become a hobby? Shops are meant to sell stuff we need. We have reached peak stuff but still we are ‘investing’ and developing more shopping centres. I don’t get pleasure from accumulating things, I get my kicks out of tapping into my creativity, exploring consciousness, connecting to others and feeling the sacredness of how it is to be alive.
- Why do we think we have a great choice when voting for political parties, when really it is a choice of two? It’s like that restaurant Burger & Lobster… you know, burger or lobster?
- Why is there so much pressure on us to get married? How do I know what’s going to happen in the future, why sign myself up to a lifetime commitment with one person, why not actually feel into each day as it comes with a person and commit to being wonderful and supportive to each other’s growth. Not get into a trap that’s expensive and traumatic to get out of if you chose the wrong person. Will the piece of paper prevent it going pear shaped? It’s a daily practice to have a good relationship, a one-off wedding event isn’t going to ensure it is long lasting.
- Why do we put billionaires on a pedestal when in fact they are deranged hoarders? What’s their motive for hoarding that much money? Surely once you have a mansion, 5 holiday homes, a yacht, a designer wardrobe, cars galore, what more do you want? Lots of numbers in your bank account. And a billion is a LOT. Imagine a million things, then imagine that every single one of those million things a thousand times. It’s too much to comprehend. Crazy!
- Why are service stations and built up areas only filled with junk food outlets? Why is it difficult to get access to quality food? Healthy food isn’t expensive and difficult to make, why is it rare to have places selling nourishing whole foods? Why when you walk into your typical local shop you are surrounded by unhealthy temptation – alcohol, cigarettes, about 60 different types of chocolate, crisps, sweets. Are these the essentials?
- Why in modern culture dancing is only deemed acceptable when we are drunk or high? I go to Ecstatic Dance which is about dancing freely and sober, which apparently is pretty crazy. Dancing is the most incredible feeling in the world, yet we deprive ourselves of it, we are self-conscious of moving our bodies, we think we are past it to go out clubbing and come up with excuses about why we can’t dance anymore.
- Why is our idea of attractiveness and beauty so warped? Why can’t we be happy with our natural look, why do we alter ourselves? Women put implants in their boobs and bums, cake on make up, straighten their naturally curly hair and alter themselves in ways that get them away from their real selves. Men spend hours each week in a gym, not simply to be strong and healthy, but to have highly defined muscles for people just to look at. Am imagining now a banker who spends his time sitting down at a computer (when not at the gym) with no need for strength but having bulging muscles for aesthetic purposes. Are we supposed to be impressed at their devotion of spending their free time doing repetitive moves over and over again with weights? Think about what else people could be doing with their time which would make the world a better place! I think attractiveness is when one is close to their natural state, people who have big hearts and positive thoughts. But yet reading magazines and watching TV warps our view of this and we want to conform to an ideal beauty, a perfection hard to obtain…
- Why does society idolise youth? We have such a crazy view on age! I don’t want to be made to feel embarrassed or ashamed for how many times I have gone round the sun, for how many years I have walked this Earth. How old I am is merely a fact. Why does a lack of wrinkles supposedly make a face look better, why is smooth better? Why does Hollywood only want to book young women in lead roles? Birthday card messages take the piss out of people getting on a bit, telling you that you are declining as the years go by, it’s just a downhill slope now… When in reality as we grow older, we grow wiser, we have way more to offer with increased experience, and we have more stories to tell. And I don’t believe my energy is reducing, I feel as energised as ever, but more grounded in it. I am becoming more and more of who I am supposed to be and it feels incredible! I look forward to growing older and older :)
I could go on but I’ll stop today’s ranting at 10 points. Don’t wanna drive myself crazy!!!
Love, Chica Loca 🤪