I am a Joy Warrior
At the first lockdown in March 2020, I created a Madonna party on zoom, which was fun, uplifting and ridiculous, and it made its way onto BBC news as a ‘positive news story’. Those first few months were complete madness for me, as Sarah (my housemate) and my response to all the fear and uncertainty was to just blast the world with UTTER JOY! With weekly Friday night ‘stuck at home’ online parties, we donned costumes, we danced, DJs spun their music, we played games, we booked comedy acts and other performances, and brought people together for a wild experience of virtual connection.
But we are now in November 2021, and further lockdowns are looming, and the situation is not improving, I see fear creeping in again, more doom & gloom. I am tapping into everyone’s anxieties, I am aware of others’ deep depression, their despair and not being able to cope. I see people suffering around me, there is so much misery. Reading the papers is just adding to all the fear and worry. I hear peoples woes, they are clinging onto their addictions to cope, I know people are assuming the worst and are increasingly losing hope.
And my response to this??
Blast the world with more joy and love!!
Of course the situation is bad, but my relentless / outrageous optimism says that this happening for a reason – individually and collectively.
People don’t want the default world the way it is anymore. It’s time to completely shake up our lives. This is a monumental moment in history! There is so much we need to transform. On every level! People are waking up. We are remembering why we are here and realising we can all have an impact on creating a better world.
It all starts with the individual. We ALL have a purpose. (Hint: it is probably not your current job.) Do you remember why you came to the planet…? Have you been looking within yourself to discover your gifts and the truth?
My purpose is to bring the joy, and particularly to help others to connect to each other and to themselves in joyful ways. It’s so hilarious that I never actually realised this is what I have innately, the ability to create fun, and that it is a worthwhile skill. And it is what the world needs, especially NOW.
So this little joy warrior is going out into battle and sending ripples wherever I can. Wish me luck!!